At this time of year, I hear a lot about golf, both from my husband and from my patients. When spring weather arrives, golfers flock to the courses, eager to get back to their favourite hobby (I’d say obsession…). The most common complaints I hear from them are low back pain and elbow irritation due to the large movements and repetitive strain associated with their sport.
The Canadian Chiropractic Association has produced an excellent article with four easy stretches to perform before, during and after a round of golf. I have copied the information below. It can also be found on the CCA website at:
These stretches are a great place to start. If you are still experiencing discomfort, please come in for an appointment. I’ll take a look and see if I can help get you back into the game at full swing.
1. Hip Flexor Lunge
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Step one foot forward into a lunge position. Keep your body upright and back straight. Bend both knees so that you feel the stretch. Do not let your forward knee pass over the ankle of your front foot. Use a golf club to keep your balance. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat twice on each side

2. Seated Twist
Sit on a bench or golf cart with your knees together and feet flat, pointing forward. Reach across the front of your body and grasp the back of the bench or cart. You should experience a stretch in your spinal muscles. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat twice on each side.

3. Seated Forward Bend
Sit on a bench or golf cart, knees bent and feet flat. Place one ankle onto your opposite knee, and relax this leg so that your knee falls out to the side. Slowly bend forward, keeping your back straight. You may gently pull on your bent knee to generate a deeper stretch. You should feel a stretch in your buttock area. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat twice on each side.

4. Side Bending Stretch
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the golf club above your head with your arms straight. Slowly bend to one side, without rotating, until you feel a stretch along the side of your back. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat twice on each side.