Our Thoughts, Ideas and Latest News

Recent Changes
Photo by Joyce McCown
Dear Patients at Burnaby Heights Integrative…

Avoid Back Pain While Shovelling Snow
Photo by Filip Mroz
As the seasons start…

Bad Habits That Cause Poor Posture
I have recently been working Tim Begley, founder of Positive…

Stretches for golfers
At this time of year, I hear a lot about golf, both from my husband…

Online Booking Now Available at the Clinic
We are please to announce that Burnaby Heights Integrative Healthcare…

Direct Billing Now Available at Our Clinic
We are pleased to announce that Burnaby Heights Integrative Healthcare…

Gardening Tips
Those of us living on the West Coast have been spoiled with gorgeous…

Injury Prevention for Runners
I have been involved with the SunRun clinics in Burnaby and Vancouver…

Straighten Up Canada
My colleague Dr.Genieve Burley-Howes was on Global TV discussing…

1st Place Winner, 3 Years In A Row! Burnaby Newsleader A-List
I am honoured to announce that myself and Dr. Ardis Krueger have…